Sunday 28 November 2010

Does your hat go all the way to the of your head officer?

Ahh the good old police force. Dependable in a undependable Norman Wisdom cliche kind of way. Power mad in a dictorial kind of way and...well let's not get into corruption or "retirement finds" or the such like. No I'd quite happily be a police chief. Although I'd have to obviously subscribe to weight watchers or Fascist weekly. No but seriously as Gadaffi once said to me "Naik YA!"

Anyway by now you might be wondering where I'm going with all this? Would I rather they weren't there because they seem so grossly pointless. Because they now have targets to hit where as in the past it was homosexuals and people of ethnic descent. Because I would rather a force of justice and goodness would prevail in a Wellsian Utopia.

Fuck it, I don't know. I just write the damn thing.

Love as Always

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