Wednesday, 30 June 2010

"This is the greatest most terrifying book you will ever read the back of the book declares "THIS BOOK WILL KILL YOU!" and you know it nearly did"
Gerry Fobon
Heres the video for suicide hotel by some standard group who've since changed their band name but haven't improved their sound particularly.

what is carlos

What is Carlos?

Hundreds of years ago the simple folk of old Shrewsbury trapped a being of such unimaginable force and rage that it killed billions in the Andromeda Galaxy. The idea was that should Shrewsbury ever be threatened again by Mexicans the creature known as Carlos that resembled a huge dragon would be free to save the peoples by destroying them first before the Mexicans could. However due to problems (ie the stupidity of having a creature which would destroy everything) a passing Warlock called Pete the greyer came up with a method to entrap Carlos should he get free. You get a framed picture of Frank Skinner and stnd on it while shouting CARLOS! 27 times. This should trap thecreature. Say Carlos to often and too little though would mean the Earth would implode.